Sunday, October 9, 2011

Bad things don't happen to me...I'm a Christian.

Sometimes we may think that just because we are saved, bad things won't happen to us anymore. Don't we wish that was true. It's hard going through the fire. It's not fun. Just this week when i got news of a special little girl being diagnosed with leukemia it shattered my heart and being a mother i can only imagine what it did to her parents. "Why?" is what I wanted to ask God. Then this was our scripture this morning "Neither this man nor his parents sinned," said Jesus "but this happened so that the work of God might be displayed in his life..." It's not about US! ME! Or YOU! As hard as it is for me to say that sometimes it's true. We are here for one reason and that is to serve the lord. We're not being punished when bad things happen in our lives. That is not our God. Situations happen and we have a serve Him or not. I want to make the choice that is His will and that gives Him the glory. Now when tough days come that may be tough to remember but He will get me through it and help me hold onto those words because my God is faithful and will never forsaken me.